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COVID 19 Second Wave Update

Happy New year All! During this current lockdown, Youth Diversion will be following the lead of both school boards with our offices being closed until January 11 and staff working remotely. All Volunteer activities have been put on hold until January 11. We are still accepting referrals and answering inquiries from community partners and families. […]

New agreement between Youth Diversion and the Kingston Police

Kingston Police – https://www.kingstonpolice.ca/en/news/pilot-project-launching-between-kingston-police-and-youth-diversion.aspx Kingston police team up with Youth Diversion to try to limit youth contact with police –https://globalnews.ca/news/7297461/kingston-police-youth-diversion/ Partnership aims to enhance support for at-risk youth –https://www.kingstonist.com/news/support-initiative-for-youth/